This cutie cowboy is a dream! 

At 22 years young, this adorable Appaloosa, is our only non-Thoroughbred (not counting our mini’s) in our therapy program. 

He was lovingly donated to us by an elderly gentleman who wanted a final place for Jet to retire. They were very close companions. This man taught Jet amazing things and they had some incredible adventures! 

Jet enjoying some grass with a friend
Jet enjoying some grass with a friend

Just one problem… Jet had not been with another horse in 18 years! Needless to say, when he came into our family, it was a little rough convincing him to accept our other horses! Over time he did learn to make friends with his own kind and is now buddies with the whole gang!

Jet is everywhere! 


Fun Fact

 Jet likes to visit us on our back porch and will literally push the door open to peak inside the house! 

He is our real superstar, who travels to different locations, bringing our equine therapy to those who no longer can get out or are too sick. 

You may see him strolling the streets of Folsom or even taking a Snapchat selfie on Highway 40!  Mostly, you’ll find him visiting patients in numerous places, bringing a gentleness and smile to everyone he meets! 

Jet is so special

There is a very tender story I would love to share that happened with him on his first visit to a nursing home. 

We were visiting patients and enjoying the beauty of each individual. Every now and then, we would take a brief break. 

Each time, Jet would pull me over towards a certain window of the facility. This was very out of character for him, as he never does anything I don’t ask of him. He continued to pull me to this particular window. 

After him doing this 3 to 4 times, I finally asked the coordinator if there was something going on in that area. 

Man in wheelchair with horse

Well, she stopped in her tracks when I asked, then very softly said, “Yes. There is a patient who is dying in that room.” We both literally were stunned and moved to tears. Jet absolutely knew what was happening. His head would drop low and he had a change about him while we were near that window. 

The man did pass as we were there and I cannot fully describe what we all felt, but I do know that horses really do have a sense of compassion more than any of us can understand. 

So there you have it! The little horse with more heart and wisdom than any of us could have ever imagined!

This is JET!

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